
Harnessing the Power of Innovation and Solidarity for Entrepreneurship

Collective action has been integral to Development Alternatives’ approach to creating impact at scale. This month's newsletter delves into the organisation's efforts in promoting collective action and social innovation in entrepreneurship to bring about wide-reaching change.

Discover the importance of empowering women's institutions to spearhead and execute solutions, and understand how crucial it is to harness the full potential of these organisations for women's empowerment. Read about how Development Alternatives is engaging in conversations with rural communities in Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bundelkhand to gain insight into their perspectives, aspirations and challenges. Explore Urja Mandala's economic model, which centres on harnessing solar energy through mini-grid installations. Be inspired by Sunita Sahu's journey as she overcomes challenges to support her family and create employment opportunities for local women. Furthermore, this month's editorial outlines Development Alternatives' focus on building partnerships, deeply engaging with rural communities and fostering entrepreneurship among women and youth.

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Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience

India faces severe land degradation, affecting 29.32% of its land. The May DA newsletter discusses strategies for achieving Climate and Land Degradation Neutrality by 2030 and 2070. Highlights include the BIWAL project in Bundelkhand, the WADI model, and various sustainability initiatives, along with success stories and an editorial on combating land degradation.

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Alternative Green Technology Solutions

This month’s newsletter focuses on the alternative green technology solutions for our planet. India has set a goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2070 through policy innovations such as rapid acceleration of solar energy production, biofuels, electric mobility and green hydrogen production.

The policy article describes India’s efforts to implement various policy initiatives that provide incentives and mitigate risks for producers and consumers. The brick industry is shifting towards eco-friendly technologies. Know about the Development Alternatives Group’s efforts to promote the sector's use of secondary resources and fly ash bricks. Read about TARA’s initiative to introduce modern techniques among the potter community in Asharikandi to enhance productivity without harming the environment. Learn about the need for low-carbon cement alternatives due to the environmental impact of cement production and TARA’s effort in promoting it. This month’s editorial elaborates on TARA’s work in the profitable implementation of creative ideas that bring about a disruptive change in people's lives.

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Water for Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership

This month's newsletter focuses on the critical issue of water scarcity, a major concern in India and across the globe. The editorial highlights the pressing need for innovative approaches to plan robust and resilient water systems in human settlements. The heavy reliance on groundwater for irrigation in India has led to a critical depletion crisis, which requires immediate attention through various measures being taken across the country. We delve into the importance of sustainable water management in preventing water crises and conflicts. The Uttar Pradesh government's noteworthy initiative of constructing 14,245 ponds to revive local water bodies is also a part of our discussion. We provide an overview of the case studies developed by Development Alternatives to evaluate these ponds. Furthermore, we present a study conducted in six villages in Bundelkhand to establish a baseline dataset for groundwater availability and quality, given that water scarcity is a significant issue in this region.

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Women Empowerment

Gender equality is vital for a nation's economic growth and development. This month's newsletter focuses on women entrepreneurs who are breaking gender norms and creating a place for themselves in decision-making. The editorial explains how women entrepreneurs are generating numerous job opportunities and solving local challenges. Safe mobility is a game-changer for women's economic and social empowerment. Find out about various initiatives that are revolutionising the safety of mobility for women and encouraging their involvement in the transportation sector. The recent budget has set ambitious goals for women-led development in the country through the Lakhpati Didi Scheme. Understand the critical role that SHGs play in successfully implementing this initiative and strengthening the existing ecosystem. Development Alternatives, in collaboration with HUL Prabhat, has set up a water treatment plant in Nikoowal village, Solan district, to address the water crisis in the area. Learn how the Jal Sakhi Samuh has become a source of inspiration, demonstrating the transformative power of women when given the opportunity to lead. Read about KBBL, a competition that invites women to submit their innovative business ideas with the aim of nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship and addressing unemployment, and the first Shakti Kendra in Badagaon, Jhansi, which marks a significant advancement in the fields of sustainability and women's empowerment.

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Community Radio: Providing Voices to the Voiceless In India

Community radio has emerged as a powerful tool for change in rural India. In this month's newsletter, we have discussed the important role that community radio plays in shaping the narratives of marginalised communities. The newsletter highlights Radio Bundelkhand, a community radio station that empowers the local community in the Bundelkhand region of India. You can learn how community radio has amplified the voices of those who were once silenced, truly embodying the essence of freedom of speech and expression. Additionally, you can discover how community radio stations can overcome financial sustainability challenges. The newsletter also features inspiring stories of Mankesh and Ravi, who have been greatly impacted by community radio, and Varsha, who has become a voice of climate change in her community using the community radio platform. Finally, you can read about how the Shubh Kal programme is empowering the youth in the hinterlands of India.

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Digital Infrastructure for Entrepreneurship Led Job Creation

India's economy has been growing steadily due to increased digital penetration. However, there is still a huge untapped potential for rural enterprise and job creation in the country. With over 70% of the population residing in rural India, the need to generate 10 million jobs annually is more pressing than ever. The latest newsletter delves into the transformative power of 'Digital Infrastructure' as a key driver of entrepreneurship-led job creation.

Understand how digital initiatives can revolutionise rural economies and create a more inclusive society. Read about the impact of UPI and the e-commerce movement on rural businesses and the need for policy-level changes to empower and uplift rural entrepreneurs. Know about the Kaun Banega Business Leader competition by Work4Progress India, which seeks to tackle the challenges of starting a business in rural India by soliciting innovative business ideas from young people and women. Finally, this month's editorial brings to light the pioneering work done by Development Alternatives in promoting entrepreneurship in rural India.

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Development Alternatives @ COP28

The month’s newsletter is on Conferences of the Parties and the upcoming COP28 in Dubai. Read about the role of locally developed choices in empowering communities on various aspects of climate, finance, and education. Explore the importance of CCE in empowering individuals and communities to adapt to the challenges of climate change. Learn about the potential of de-centralised renewable energy applications to help bridge the energy divide quickly, affordably, and sustainably.

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Nature-based Solutions

The October issue explores the connections and approaches to applying nature-based solutions to various projects and programmes. From the editorial, we learn about the importance of nature-based solutions and the various governmental and non-governmental initiatives towards this effort. In 2022, GoI initiated the Mission Amrit Sarovar programme. Read how this is revitalising water bodies in the country.

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Rapid urbanisation in urban centres of India has led to a housing shortage. Thus, affordable housing is crucial for socio-economic development of the country. In this September issue, we discuss the building sector and its impact on the environment. Read about the cornerstone policies being implemented by Odisha for affordable housing. Learn about the Odisha government’s attempt to implement an umbrella programme called the Odisha Livable Habitat Mission, which enables individuals to take on leadership roles within their communities.

The Development Alternatives Group has initiated its flagship programme for transforming the built environment through sustainable materials called Ashraye. Know about the core components of the programme and how it aligns national and subnational mandates towards meeting India’s international commitments towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Last but not least, the LOCO model is being implemented in Madore village by Development Alternatives. Learn about this innovative and sustainable approach that is providing a safe water supply to communities in water-scarce regions like Bundelkhand.

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