Dr Ashok Khosla interviewed on the state of Civil Society Organisation

Civil Society Organisations have been pushing boundaries to secure rights for empowering people and safeguarding the planet. They are often at the forefront of innovating solutions and implementing programmes for tackling local, national and global challenges. Dr Ashok Khosla, Chairman of the Development Alternatives Group, the world's first social enterprise dedicated to sustainable development, was recently interviewed by Sunish Jauhari, Jagrik Bharat on the importance of Civil Society Organisations in today's times for advocating and action for change.


Dialogue on Designing Interdependence

Integrating People, Ecology And Economy; The intersection of the environment with people’s health, socioeconomic mobility and community resilience has traditionally been ignored in these measures, but COVID-19’s intersection with deforestation, wildlife and ecological health is highlighting how intimate these connections actually are - and how much we need to redesign our concept of human well-being and growth. Watch the panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Ashok Khosla, chairman, Development Alternatives, exploring how we can learn to think about human development from indigenous perspectives on interdependence, how environment can be re-centered in how we measure prosperity and economic growth, and how this interdependence of people, ecology and economy can be better measured and fostered for the future. The panellists include Shankar Venkateswaran (Head – ESG, ECube Investment Advisors Pvt. Ltd.), Sourov Roy (Head – CSR, Tata Steel), Dr. Sarala Khailing (Regional Director, ATREE)


Plastic free Ganges

A short film made by NDTV, highlights our effort to reduce Marine Plastic Litter by taking appropriate measures and by creating awareness among people in Haridwar (Uttarakhand) and Pryagraj (Uttar Pradesh). This was part of our project “Promotion of Countermeasures against Marine Plastic Litter Southeast Asia and India” along with UNEP, under which we also conducted a comprehensive study to gather data on plastic pollution in rivers. The film was telecasted on NDTV on 25 May 2020.


How to Address India’s Plastic Waste Problem? | We The People | NDTV

As India fights the coronavirus pandemic, the use of plastic products has been on the rise. On this special episode of We The People, Dr. Ashok Khosla, chairman, Development Alternatives along with UNEP's goodwill ambassador Dia Mirza along with other environmentalists to answer the million dollar question on how to address India's mammoth plastic waste problem.


Gender & Water : The Intersection

Dr. K. Vijaya Lakshmi, Vice President, Development Alternatives participated in a webinar - "Gender & Water: The Intersection", organised by Centre for Social Research on 13 May 2020. She highlighted the nuances between gender and water issues along with other panellists Dr. Yogesh Jadeja (Arid Communities & Technologies) and Dr. Fawzia Tarannum, TERI School of Advanced Studies.


Success Story of Bala Devi - TARA Akshar+ Learner

TARA Akshar+ is an ICT based Adult Literacy Programme. Being run in more than 8 states, it has made about two lakh women functionally literate. In this video, Bala Devi, a TARA Akshar+ learner from Birguan village of Uttar Pradesh, reads fluently and has gained self-confidence.


Chai with Manjula - Dr. Ashok Khosla

Dr. Ashok Khosla - an environmental visionary of international acclaim, the Founder/Chairman of Development Alternatives (DA), and a global authority on environment and sustainable growth - talks about solutions to poverty, saving the environment, species & resources, and about his organisation, Development Alternatives.


Mainstreaming Sustainable Affordable Housing in India

The urban housing shortage in India is currently estimated at 18.78 million, more than 95% of which pertains to low-income groups. In addition, the housing sector is, by definition, an energy and resource intensive sector, creating a large environmental burden on Earth's natural resources. This video highlights the need for more sustainable options in order to meet the housing demand, as well as to conserve our natural resources.


TARAgram Yatra – The Journey TARAgram Yatra – The Journey

TARAgram Yatra (TGY) is an annual flagship event of the Development Alternatives Group and its partners, to deliberate on germane issues of sustainability. This video gives an overview of the Yatra – a journey that one undertakes along with friends and colleagues to attain higher goals - which brings together practitioners and policy makers from across the world. With a mix of dialogue and field visits, the Yatra provides a platform for exchanging cutting-edge ideas to achieve a sustainable future.


Solutions for Solid Waste Management in India

Annually, 62 million tonnes of garbage is generated by 377 million people living in urban India. Even worse is the fact that more than 45 million tonnes, or 3 million trucks worth, of this garbage is untreated and disposed by municipal authorities every day. This trialogue2047 aimed to explore possible solutions to this grave problem of unscientific waste management in India.
