
The construction sector is considered to be one of the major contributors to economic growth of a nation. However, the sector is responsible for 37% of carbon emissions worldwide according to a 2021 UN report. The sector needs real transformation to reduce carbon emissions substantially and build resilience against the negative impacts of climate change. Development Alternatives’ ‘Low-carbon Building Materials for Sustainability’ programme focuses on this transformation. The organisation conducts research and develops building materials that use industrial, construction and demolition (C&D), and agri waste and have low-embodied energy. Technologies including Fly Ash Bricks, EcoKiln, and Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC 3 ) are among the innovative solutions that Development Alternatives deliver. For a systemic transformation, it is incessantly working towards transference of these technologies and their know-how, establishing enterprises, and building local capacities in both national and international markets.

0.8 MT +

Waste utilised

0.7 MT +

Carbon dioxide saved