Can Jal Shakti Abhiyan Alleviate Our Water Crisis?
story of India’s water crisis today is not an accidental occurrence.
What is unfolding in front of us has been warned by both experts and
practitioners several times over. By 2030, the crisis can deepen by 40%
more if business as usual continues.
The Central Ground Water Board in 2017 declared 1,592 blocks in 257
districts as “Water Scarce Blocks” at varying degrees such as critical,
over exploited to least water availability. Of late, following the
footsteps of Cape Town, several cities in India are queuing up to
declare Day Zero, including Bengaluru, Chennai etc. Responding to these
alarm bells, the recently formed Jal Shakti Ministry has launched the
much ambitious and laudable Jal Shakti Abhiyan for conserving water,
which further aims to provide water through pipes to all households. For
the first time, people’s participation has been emphasised besides
various line ministries working together for the common goal.
In spite of all the well-meaning intentions,
the budgetary allocations do not reflect the same thinking and our
planning processes do not take pains to deviate from the treaded paths.
Realising the ill effects that Green Revolution had brought in, we say
we wish to promote more organic and nature-based farming without
spelling out how this can become a mass movement. Worst still, when it
comes to budgetary allocations, a whopping Rs.80,000 crore fertilizer
subsidy has been allocated for chemical based farming. Further,
extension of minimum support prices for water and chemical intensive
crops is resulting in further depletion and degradation of the quality
of the water sources thus affecting public health. It does not give us
any confidence that we are walking the talk. In such business as usual
scenario, farmers will not change cropping patterns, will continue to
commit suicide, cancer trains will continue to run and large dams will
continue to get built.
The central reason for current water
scarcity is due to more than 80% of ground water being over exploited by
agriculture, industries and for urban uses. If that is the case, the
biggest short coming of the Jal Shakti Abhiyan scheme is that it is
making no efforts to regulate excessive ground water exploitation. For
it not to become yet another missed opportunity, we need to make
paradigm shifts from central supply to decentralised water governance
systems based on robust, reliable data and information, which has been
the biggest challenge of the water sector. We are not making much
headway in making use of the power of data in spite of new developments
in application of Information Technology (IT) and Artificial
Intelligence (AI). No reliable and coherent data exists to inform public
of the catchment status they live in, how much it is encroached, how
much it is degraded, which eco system services they have lost, what need
to be done for restoring the same, who should pay for what, potential
for recycling waste water and reuse in agriculture etc. If judicious use
for various applications is to be planned in a given geography, we need
to answer these and only then we can plan our cities and villages to
become water smart and climate resilient.
Various NGOs including Development
Alternatives have adequately demonstrated the multiple benefits of
integrated land, water management systems through robust institutional
processes at much lower costs. Government needs to support the scaling
up of such efforts. This issue of the Newsletter focuses on some
insights for securing safe and sustainable water sources for our current
and future generations.
Dr. K. Vijaya Lakshmi
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