Small Farmers - Big
Challenges and even
Bigger Opportunities
Challenges in the Agriculture Sector
The Government of India has set itself the objective of doubling
farmers’ incomes by 2022. While the announcement has triggered a debate
on whether this target is too ambitious or even achievable, it has also
brought in focus the specific challenges that the Indian agricultural
sector faces towards the realisation of this objective.
India, the agriculture sector has been under duress of multiple
challenges. Agricultural growth has been at best stagnant and has been
marked by declining productivities in many regions. This has led to
livelihood stress for farmers and waning interest in agriculture. The
hurdles in the path of agricultural growth in India become even more
apparent when one looks at the context of land distribution and the
impacts of climate change and natural resource degradation. About 85% of
farmers in India are small and marginal and characterised by low
investment capacity and risk resilience. The challenge gets compounded
by the impacts of climate change that are being manifested in the form
of droughts and erratic rainfall patterns amongst others, specially
affecting the rainfed areas which constitute about 60% of the net
cultivated area.
It is apparent that the span between the ambition and the current
situation is a wide one and that which is riddled with a host of
critical challenges. Any roadmap designed for achieving the stated
objective would thus have to address these critical challenges in an
intrinsic and holistic manner. A significant first step towards this has
been the recognition by the Government that boosting agricultural growth
from its current stagnation will require a shift in focus from food
security of the nation to income security of the farmers. As put by the
PM, agriculture has to be employment oriented to make it attractive to
the new generation of cultivators.
FPOs as a Promising Approach
It is in this context that the approach of establishing Farmer Producer
Organisations (FPOs) takes centre stage as one of the promising
approaches towards enabling farmers to operate in a more profitable
manner and thereby secure their livelihoods. This is acknowledged even
at the national level as reflected in the identification of FPOs
registered under the special provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 as
the most appropriate institutional form around which to mobilise farmers
and build their capacity to collectively leverage their production and
marketing strength by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation,
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
Collectivisation of farmers into FPOs has emerged as one of the most
effective approaches to address the many challenges facing the
agriculture sector. Especially in the case of small and marginal
farmers, it has enabled improved access to investments, technology and
inputs and markets by effectively negating the handicap of poor
bargaining power that they face when dealing with markets and other
agencies in their individual capacity.
Lessons from Ongoing FPO Initiatives
While many of the mainstream initiatives on the promotion of Farmer
Producer Organisations (FPOs), such as those by NABARD and several State
Governments, are relatively new and in the establishment phase, there
have been several older pilot initiatives implemented across the country
by various agencies that have already provided lessons that can inform
the policies for the promotion of FPOs that are being adopted at the
national and the state level. The Taragram Yatra 2016 held in September
2016 had ‘Community Models in Agriculture for Food, Resource and
Livelihood Security’ as one of its key themes and provided a platform
for decision makers, civil society practitioners, academicians and
businesses working in areas of farmers’ livelihoods and food security
including the promotion of FPOs to share lessons from their respective
fields and deliberate on the challenges and opportunities for promotion
of FPOs. The participants also had the opportunity to engage with
members of Sahaja Aharam Producer Company, a FPO in Medak District of
Telangana nurtured by the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA). Some
of the issues that emerged as being key for the sustainable development
of FPOs are discussed in further detail while also drawing from the
context of the National Policy for the Promotion of Farmer Producer
Adopting Triple Bottom Line Performance Indicators
While a FPO is primarily a business entity, there is a risk that a
narrow focus on financial performance indicators can undermine the
various other benefits that it has been observed to have on its member
farmers and as well as on the natural resources management regime in its
catchment area. The national policy seems to suggest an emphasis on
financial growth while the prerogatives pertaining to institutional
strengthening and orienting the FPOs towards promoting environmentally
sustainable practices are briefly mentioned or implied. The policy and
its implementation mechanisms can be strengthened through more overt
emphasis on integrating a holistic implementation and evaluation
framework that gives equal emphasis to the performance of FPOs on the
social and environmental front besides its monitoring along economic
parameters and which takes cognizance of incremental but sustainable
Strengthening the Institutional Foundation
It is important to recognise that a FPO can be put on a path of organic
and sustainable business growth only on a foundation of institutional
strength and resilience. Undue emphasis on financial turnover as the
primary performance indicator may lead to a situation where financial
growth is being externally driven through the efforts of supporting
agencies but such growth is unlikely to be sustainable without the
proactive engagement and ownership of the FPO members in the management
of this growth. Participatory engagement of member farmers in decision
making will require to be emphasised in the implementation guidelines
and support systems. Institutional strengthening will also lead to more
efficient and effective access by member farmers of existing support
systems such as crop insurance and infrastructure development
opportunities such as the utilisation of NREGS funds for building water
harvesting assets.
Investing in Securing the Production End Sustainably
A recurring insight emerging through the discussions was the criticality
of first strengthening the foundation of a FPO at the production end by
investing in farmers’ capacities to select and adopt sustainable systems
of production and their role in influencing such choices across its
catchment of farmers interacting with it as members or customers. It is
obvious that the FPO policy alone cannot account for provisions for
addressing this requirement and thus there is a need for the
implementation of the FPO policy to be dovetailed with the other
agricultural policies and ongoing programmes to capitalise successfully
in those contexts where the sustainable production base has already been
secured. Besides securing production, enhanced emphasis on sustainable
agricultural systems will also yield multiple co-benefits in nurturing
the ecological health of the natural resource base. The potential
presented by FPOs as a distribution channel for increasing the
efficiency of last mile delivery of improved agri-inputs needs to be
capitalised upon in tandem with targeted capacity building of farmers to
be able to adopt these new technologies and practices towards furthering
this objective.
Rethinking the Credit Support and Tax Regime
It emerged through the deliberations that FPOs that are able to
demonstrate robust financial growth are saddled with high tax rates that
kick in with higher turnover figures. However, poor turnover figures
make it difficult to attract credit support necessary for upgrading
business operations presenting a dilemma where the turnover, whether
high or low is proving to be a hindrance to the sustained growth of the
FPO. The tax regime may also be designed to incentivise sustainable
systems of production.
Flexibility for Enabling Context Specific Approaches
Finally, it will be crucial to embed a level of flexibility in the
policies to allow for programmes to be designed in a manner that they
are sensitive and cater to the diversity in local contexts including
aspects of market environment, farmers’ capacities, investment potential
and environmental constraints and opportunities. This flexibility may
also need to extend to the window for maturation available to the FPO in
the context of its baseline skill sets and management attributes. The
growth trajectory of each FPO cannot be completely governed by
externally set targets but must reflect the aspirations and vision of
its member farmers if such growth is to be organic and sustainable. ■
Mayukh Hajra
• Policy & Process Guidelines For Farmer Producer Organisations
(Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
• Doubling Farmers' Incomes by 2022 – What Would It Take? (S
Chandrasekhar, Nirupam Mehrotra; Economic & Political Weekly - April 30,
2016 vol lI no 18
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