Aspirations Unshackled… Opportunities Unearthed
number of employed individuals saw a decrease of 10.9 million from
December 2017 to December 2018, according to a report by the Centre for
Monitoring Indian Economy. The break-down of employment statistics tells
us that 8.8 million jobs lost in 2018 were by women, of which 6.5
million belonged to rural India.
Unleashing the entrepreneurial potential of
women is central to unearthing employment opportunities and enabling
sustainable development. This calls for more innovations, tools and
platforms to overturn socio-cultural barriers and internalised
constraints such as restrained mobility and risk-aversion – thus
empowering women. And yet, more efforts also need to be channeled into
addressing other facets of entrepreneurship – the several others being
left behind. On one hand could be a young woman of age 22, who wants to
build an enterprise of selling handicrafts online -- understand the
dynamics of online businesses even when she has no smart phone – by
herself, not with others’ help. And on the other hand could be a young
man of the same age, who wants to set up a centre for online computer
courses, envisioning the exploitation of digital growth as empowering,
but lacking support to utilise such an enabling tool.
Both are facets of entrepreneurship, of
empowerment, and both equally aspirational -- but also with completely
different definitions. And we need to promote them all. But to enhance
empowerment, innovation is required in standardising enterprise support
services, and at the same time customising solutions for each
entrepreneur persona with their unique needs. Institutions, however, are
currently tuned in a linear way of responding to entrepreneurs. Such
linearity makes one wonder, where do the entrepreneurs go?
Inspired by the current challenge,
Development Alternatives has channeled its efforts into capturing new
narratives by unshackling aspirations and the unfulfilled potential of
empowerment, enabling self-actualisation of entrepreneurs. We have
created a design-driven research process of building entrepreneur
‘personas’ to customise solutions to specific contexts, needs and
aspirations. And in order to develop effective and efficient delivery
mechanisms that accelerate dissemination of these solutions, forward
looking innovations are required. Digital empowerment is a powerful tool
for accessing information, setting up enterprises and using e-commerce
to upgrade businesses. Development Alternatives has deployed a
self-employment app to internalise entrepreneurship in individuals and
create a culture of inspiration around it. We are also launching a
Digital Platform to provide a support system for entrepreneurship --
conceptualising and realising business ideas, and linking aspirants with
ready stakeholders and market.
However, considering the magnitude of
challenge that confronts us, we cannot effect change alone. Convergence
is required in the ecosystem to unlock an environment where
entrepreneurial ambitions can flourish. We, as changemakers, not only
need to come together to capture growing evidence of entrepreneurs’
abilities and respond to their needs, but also create a multiplication
network for drawing attention of policy makers and financial
institutions to the potential of local and decentralised enterprises.
We believe the time is now to deconstruct and rediscover the existing
structure around local and decentralised entrepreneurship – leading
entrepreneurs to become engines for driving job growth and creating
resilient local economic systems. In this edition of the newsletter, we
share with you possible areas of intervention where we could converge
and build new chronicles of entrepreneurship being empowering.
Kanika Verma
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