Green and Inclusive Future
- A New World is Possible
future is green and it is inclusive or there is no future. As we turn the
decade and the new year, the one lingering image of the past year is of
the FUTURE - our youth demanding that governments and national leaders
that hold power and money either change paths or move off the path. 
In our universities, our market places, our
homes and institutions, young people are not only raising the demands
for their right to a sustainable future; they are also showing by
example what can be done. Co-working and living, sharing economies,
green construction systems, new energy start-ups, bike sharing apps,
waste to wealth interventions, water saving systems, organic foods and
eco-tourism, the list goes on and on. Young people are demonstrating
what is possible.
A new economy is possible, a new global
village is possible. And as nationalist fires rage in country after
country straining at the ties of the present global village that was
brought into being by trade and economic co-operation, a new globalisation is emerging. The crisis of climate change and over
consumption of natural resources has catalysed a global movement for
change. This is largely a citizen’s movement, itself a coalition of many
different movements, is pushing a transition to a greener, more
inclusive future for each one and all. Interestingly, such a future recognises the need for local action in local economies as a fundamental
condition for sustainability.
The Future is therefore not just green and
inclusive, it is decentralised. A global economy composed of a multitude
of local economies, each one green and inclusive. What will be the ties
that will bring these many decentralised interventions together at a
global level?
Knowledge and skills fuelled by IOT and AI.
Open source knowledge sharing made possible by new technology platforms
will bring communities across the globe together.
Self-limiting conscious consumption
supported by shifts in social behaviours that reward accumulation of
experience rather than of capital assets and that prioritizes service
over ownership.
Camaraderie built on an understanding of
Ubuntu that we are all in this together. Inequity is dangerous for long
term prosperity, even though it may provide short term gains to a few.
Today, science informs us why it is
necessary, evidence shows us how it is possible and wisdom tells us that
this is the only way. With the head and the hands and the heart aligned,
all we need is the voice that advocates for a green and inclusive future
for all.
The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) is the
world’s largest civil society alliance. Its members, in their own
geographies, are developing and demonstrating technical, social and
market solutions that bring communities and small entrepreneurs to the
fore and that are by design low-carbon and resource efficient. The GEC
is tracking this transition at local, national and global levels,
advocating for shifts in global and national economic policies to enable
this local green and inclusive economy agenda to take its rightful place
and stake its claim in the new global order.
Zeenat Niazi
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