systems have the responsibility to produce sufficient and nutritious
food for all in the scenario of growing impacts of climate change and
depleting and degrading natural resources. Various studies (Birthal,
Khan, Negi, & Agarwal, 2014), (Pattanayak & Kumar, 2013) corroborate the
decrease in the yield of wheat, rice and pulses production due to
temperature rise and changes in precipitation caused due to climate
change. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns and
increasing frequency of extreme weather events, caused by climate change
are further expected to reduce regional water availability and impact
hydrological cycles of evaporation and precipitation (Ranuzzi &
Shrivastava, 2012).
The agriculture sector evidently has linkages with
the environmental systems, social and economic conditions of the people,
especially the ones engaged in agriculture for livelihood - 22 percent
of India’s working population. Sustainable agriculture, by its
definition takes all these components into account by emphasising
multidimensional (economic, environmental and social) goals for
agricultural development (FAO, 1995).
A study conducted by Development Alternatives
under ‘Transforming the Development Paradigm II’ supported by Heinrich
Böll Foundation, developed a frame indicating components of sustainable
agriculture systems at the farm/village level. The objective of this
frame is to assess the interventions in the agriculture sector with
respect to its impact on various components of sustainable agriculture
(Table 1).
The study focused on different roles that technology
and community models played on components of the framework developed for
Sustainable Agriculture (Refer table 1). Ground work and experience of
five organisations working in semi-arid, rain-fed regions was analysed.
These organisations are Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (Telangana),
Development Alternatives (Bundelkhand), Pravah (Jharkhand), Watershed
Organisation Trust (Maharashtra) and WASSAN (Telangana).Various
typologies of cases studied individually represent interventions at a
certain step in the agriculture value chain and collectively hint
towards developing an agriculture programme. Some of the key learnings
from each of these cases are highlighted below:
1. Technology Interventions
Science and technology interventions broadly include
various technology packages for farm inputs, farm implements, farming
techniques, risk reduction systems and Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) systems. Some emerging learnings are summarised as
a. For information access on weather and decision
making support
Timely, comprehensive, reliable and relevant
information can allow farmers to make decisions in farming that not only
enhance the productivity, resilience and adaptability of the crops but
also helps them understand and choose for practices that are good for
the environment. Further, stable food production via information access
will influence the farmers’ financial stability and income generating
ability. Local adaptive capacities are enhanced when local weather
information is analysed and appropriately communicated. Field and
extension oriented agro-meteorology requires the coming together of
high-end technology and local knowledge, which requires
multi-stakeholder partnerships at all the levels.
b. For area level systemic interventions
Rain-fed areas benefit greatly from area level
interventions like watershed development in terms of enhanced water
security, reduced soil erosion, reduced climate vulnerability and
improved agricultural productivity. Various assessment studies (Suryawanshi
& Kamble, 2012), (Singh, Behera, & Singh, 2010), (ICRISAT, 2009)
indicate positive impact of natural resource management on food
production and farmers’ income. A participatory model for watershed
development, integrated with other government schemes allows maintenance
and ownership of the community in the watershed programmes.
c. For farm level agriculture practices
Farm level choice of technology from inputs like
seeds, fertilisers and pesticides, techniques of mixed-cropping,
irrigation etc. are direct cost to the farmers and have direct link with
food production. Environment friendly technologies have a high adoption
rate if it makes a good investment case for the farmer. Traditional
agriculture practices and techniques that internalise inputs, reduce
costs have the potential to be a good economic case for farmers while
ensuring environmental sustainability.
2. Community Models
Community agriculture models are ‘an arrangement of
resource (land, water, human, finance etc) pooling by farmers at
different parts of the value chain for increasing agriculture
productivity, farmer incomes and/or ensuring sustainable resource use’.
Some of the opportunities identified in community model interventions
are as follows:
a. For planning capacity of the communities
Collective community action is essential for
maintaining environmental health in a region and cannot be solely done
at the farm level. Further, planning capacity at the community level
allows better understanding of the agriculture policies by the farmers
and opens doors to mechanisms for feedback and input of the farmers in
the district and state planning processes. Enhancing planning capacity
of local communities increases ownership and allows convergence of local
knowledge with modern science. At the same time, it increases
self-esteem and motivation amongst stakeholders to participate in the
development interventions.
b. For resource asset sharing for practicing
Natural resources are not equitably distributed.
Instances of overuse of water at one place and crop failure due to
unavailability of water are common stories. Competitive digging of wells
results in water dis-balance especially in water scarce semi-arid,
rain-fed areas. Small and marginal farmers in the region also face
financial constraints for investing in expensive capital of motors and
lift irrigation systems. Resource sharing allows for judicious and
efficient use of the resources at the disposal by the community.
Efficiency in use of resources allows for higher economic gains for the
farmers and in some cases it also impacts food production.
c. For processing and marketing
Limited access to urban markets due to high costs
in transportation with respect to little produce per small farmer
restricts agriculture income. Community models of collectives, farmer
producer companies play a critical role in enhancing farmers’ incomes by
increasing the profit margins from the farm produce via various
activities of value addition, gradation and reaching out to wider
customers. It can potentially have impact on crop choice and environment
depending on the consumer demand. Community models increase capacity of
farmers to reach markets and end-consumers with graded products and thus
allow for higher incomes of the farmers.
This study gives insights into what policy
developments can learn from ground practitioners. The next step will aim
to study these policies and look at the alignment and emergence of
lessons from the ground for these policies building a practice-to-policy
connect. It aims to provide a direction for the agriculture policies,
investments by private sector and to support the work of various other
civil society organisations working on the ground.
There is a potential mapped that can strengthen
India’s position in securing food for all in the long run with farmers’
and environmental well-being. The government is in the process of
revamping extension services, developing irrigation policies and looking
at systems of increasing agriculture productivity and potential to
making farming remunerative. For the same, Mission for Integrated
Development of Horticulture, National Mission for Sustainable
Agriculture (NMSA), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Participatory
Guarantee Scheme for farmers are some programmes that will be studied in
the next step. An assessment of how well geared are these programmes to
the sustainable agriculture framework and potential areas of development
and improvement are envisaged from these future studies.
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