for development (C4D) has seen a sea change from what was mere tokenism
with budgets put aside for awareness generation. It is now perceived as
an integral part of the development value chain. The last decade has
seen a shift in the focus with ‘Communication for development’ emerging
as an important and integral element of developmental processes. In C4D,
communication is about engagement where all participants are key members
in the development process and not mere spectators.
Communication for development goes beyond information
dissemination and awareness generation to actively engaging with
stakeholders for assessment and devising effective strategies for
sustainable development initiatives. It goes beyond transmitting
information and awareness building to creating knowledge, understanding
and consensus for facilitating change processes. It is not to say that
raising awareness or information dissemination does not have a role in
the communication for development process cycle. It is just a first
step, not the end. Communication for development is more about a
participatory and collaborative approach for empowering and building a
consensus for change. Appropriate communication products play an
important role in supporting this process of engagement and empowerment.
New and emerging media especially the social media has great potential
in facilitating the change processes.
At the global level, the development transition has
emerged from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to an inclusive
process of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which the world is
striving to achieve in a 15 year cycle. ‘Transforming our World – the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, with 17 goals and 169 targets
based on the three pillars of sustainability – social, economic and
environment have been agreed upon by 193 countries. Unlike the MDGs, the
newly developed and agreed upon SDGs have followed a rigorous
consultative process coming to an agreement on achieving 17 goals and
169 targets by 2030. To successfully achieve the goals and targets,
Communication for Development (C4D) will play a crucial role in
enhancing capacities and converting complex and holistic agendas into
simple and inspiring narratives to ensure that no one is left behind.
C4D will facilitate creation of knowledge societies and institutions
which strive for the implementation of SDGs with improved efficiency and
effectiveness and at the same time demand for increased transparency and
accountability with active citizen participation. The success of SDGs
will be determined if the last person at the end is able to lead a life
with economic prosperity, social inclusion and environmental protection
leading to a just, peaceful and equitable society with sustainability
being at the core of it. q