Water Security: A Growing Concern
importance of water, a life-growing resource, cannot be over emphasised.
India has a low water management score. This is not only making a deep
impact on the country’s economic advancement but is also leading to
acute shortages of water for agriculture and potable water.
The future looks bleak as demand for water greatly outstrips the supply.
It is estimated that demand will outstrip supply by 50 per cent by the
year 2030. This would affect agriculture as well as water-intensive
businesses such as food processing, drinks, textiles, metals, chemicals,
and paper.
Climate change coupled with anthropogenic activities such as
encroachment and mismanagement of water resources has resulted in a huge
decline in groundwater level in recent decades - so much so that experts
predict that the third World War will be fought over water. Impacts of
climate change are visible today. Erratic monsoons are leading to water
stress, loss of green cover and soil degradation, and disturbing natural
resource-based livelihoods.
In peri-urban/rurban areas today, traditional methods for storing
rainwater have been continuously shrinking. They once served as a
natural source of maintaining and recharging groundwater. Despite having
much importance, these water bodies today have fallen into disuse due to
the lack of care, poor governance system and illegal encroachment. The
storage area of many of these water bodies has been converted into
agricultural field while some have been transferred into residential
As a result, physically these water bodies have shrunk in their areas
but on paper, they still exist. A large number of these water bodies are
facing the issues of heavy siltation, resulting in reduced water-holding
capacities. As a result, all the flora and fauna that thrived on these
important water bodies are greatly affected; and because of leaching,
chemicals and other harmful substances are entering into deep aquifers,
entering our food chain.
Water bodies, from old times, have been an important source of water for
consumption, production and conservation. From ancient times, water
bodies not only served as a source of drinking water but also helped in
recharging groundwater. It has been seen that water resources have
fallen into decline due to neglect, population rise, poor governance and
illegal encroachment, thereby leading to water stress, loss of
greencover, and soil degradation.
We need to act now. We need to revive our traditional sources of water
conservation like tanks and dried-up rivers. We need to make reservoirs
and bundles to help recharge our fast depleting aquifers. We need to
educate our masses on water conservation and climate resilience. Only
then will we be able to conserve this fast depleting resource.■

Rahul Bhardwaj
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