TARA Akshar+ Training
Process T ARA Akshar+ has achieved unprecedented success since its rollout in the year 2007. The success of the programme can be gauged from the fact that till date over 70,000 rural women have been made literate through TARA Akshar+ centers in the eight targeted states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Uttrakhand, Delhi and Rajasthan. An important contributing factor to the success has been the careful and meticulous selection and quality of the training imparted to the instructors teaching in these centers.At present TARA Akshar+ runs a total of 175 centers in eastern U.P. with the stated aim of making 22,000 more women literate. To run these 175 centers a field team of close to 250 personnel is required which includes instructors, quality controllers, master trainers, block coordinators and field coordinators. To train such a large team, it requires thorough planning, training and execution, especially with laptops being primary tools in delivering literacy.
Training of Instructors:
Once the instructors have been selected they are
put through an intensive instructor training programme which familiarises
them with the latest teaching techniques of TARA Akshar+ and TARA Ganit. The
program further includes lessons on life skills and personality development,
communication skills, teaching skills, mobilisation activities and handling
of equipment and trouble shooting. Training venues are identified in the
area of the target population. The place must be spacious with separate
living areas for men and women , adequate toilet facilities, electricity and
water supply, food arrangement and learning the environment.
Conduct of training: The training of the shortlisted candidates starts with a briefing on laptop usage. The centers are run in places with limited technological visibility, but with the laptops forming the backbone of the teaching process it is extremely important for instructors to be fluent in their usage. The training goes on for a total of 15 days. At the end of the training, a written exam and a teaching practice exam are conducted and only those who pass the examination are selected. At the same time the best instructors are selected from the group to become ‘master trainers’ and ‘quality controllers’. The instructors are monitored by master trainers who are their technical mentors and quality controllers do spot checks on the quality of instructor training. The successful conduct of the TARA Akshar + programme depends on the active participation of all the stake-holders involved – DA, CSOs, trainers and the target population. Selection of well qualified and capable trainers is very important as these trainers form the crux of the project, being primary knowledge disseminators from the start of the project till its successful completion. qCol. M S Ahluwalia