It is
helpful to think of two types of adaptation. Type I Adaptation is that
which has traditionally been used to reduce the impacts of current
climate variability that does not include climate change. The amount of
Type I Adaptation required now (the deficit) is quite considerable. Type
II Adaptation is the additional adaptation that is and will increasingly
be required to cope with climate change. Type I Adaptation has focused
on variability and extremes and has been based on the assumption of a
climate that will sooner or later return to "normal".
In the case
of Type II Adaptation, climate can no longer be considered as stationary
and the process of adaptation must therefore become continuous and
constantly open to revision as the climate changes and as knowledge and
experience expand. Adaptation must itself be adaptable. In other words,
Type II Adaptation is more than just an expansion or acceleration of
Type I Adaptation. Certainly, more of the same is needed but there are
also important differences. Type II adaptation has minimum rigidity (or
maximum flexibility) to be able to deal with higher levels of
uncertainty, and help to create human response systems that are more
nimble or robust.
The nature
of the uncertainty that characterizes climate change is not about the
fact that the climate is changing, nor is it (as is often assumed)
simply about the amount and timing of climate change in a known
direction. It has more to do with the destabilization of the climate
system. Take the Indian (South Asian) monsoon for example. It is
sometimes suggested that the monsoon may fail or be weak more
frequently. Alternatively, it has been asserted that monsoons may become
more severe and intense. What seems more likely is that both will occur.
The monsoon may "fail" more frequently and also become more intense in
other years. Hence, the coping range will have to become greater in both
directions. Climate change is not simply a matter of more floods in some
places and more droughts elsewhere. Climate change will often mean both
more floods and more droughts in the same place.
There is
another important difference between the two types of adaptation. Type I
Adaptation [traditional adaptation] is understood to be part of the
established processes of sustainable development and development
assistance. Type II Adaptation [new adaptation] belongs in a different
operational category because it falls under the agreements and
commitments of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the
related financial mechanism (GEF). But while there are some differences,
both operationally (non-stationary climate) and institutionally (the
UNFCCC) between Type I and Type II Adaptation, the commonalities are
much greater. The question is how to integrate the two types of
adaptation and at the same time to take into account the differences
between them. The pat answer is that adaptation to climate change (Type
II) should be "mainstreamed" into development. Ways of doing this are
being developed and should be implemented without delay and the
preparation of NAPAs will be helpful, but significant and substantial
obstacles remain and have largely stalled the UNFCCC negotiations on
possible approach is to recognize and articulate and apply a two track
approach to adaptation corresponding to the differences in Type I and
Type II Adaptation. Under the Convention, a rather narrower, negotiated
Adaptation Programme is possibly addressed to Type II Adaptation. For
this purpose, it is desirable to develop specific adaptation objectives.
Clear definitions and formally stated goals are needed. It would be
helpful to develop an operational method of specifying a set of
adaptation baselines, and some common measurement of progress and
movement towards targets. Such measurements might be based on the
monetary value of climate change-related losses and their progressive
reduction. This would require detailed agreement about methods of
observation, data collection, and monitoring.
Such a
vision points to some more formal legal instrument under the Convention.
It might be objected that such an approach would be cumbersome and
restrictive. While it is clear that there would be additional
transactional costs, these could well be significantly less onerous than
those proposed under the Kyoto Protocol and would bring the substantial
benefit of creating and strengthening confidence in the value of the
adaptation funds established under the Convention. It almost goes
without saying that in the absence of such confidence, the funds are
unlikely to attract substantial and sufficient voluntary contributions.
Beyond the
Convention process, there is an urgent need to address the current
adaptation deficit as part of the regular development and development
assistance. The emergence of climate change as an additional risk factor
has had the salutary benefit of bringing greater recognition to
poverty-generating impacts of climate variability and extremes. A
partnership among the climate change community and those involved
without the "routine" everyday issues of vulnerability to climate
variability and extremes is essential. It can only be strengthened by
greater clarity about the nature of the adaptation deficit and the
contributions than can realistically be made under the Convention. Given
some vision and imagination and some scientific and technical
preparation, there are many promising opportunities to move the joint
agenda forward. These include the substantial opportunities in the
insurance field, synergies with other multilateral environmental
agreements, the security, health and equity agendas, and not forgetting
the legitimate concerns about the potential adverse impacts of response
Action is
urgently needed now to control the mounting adaptation deficit. The more
effectively this can be done the better the human family will be
positioned to cope with the critical vulnerabilities that are being
exposed by climate change. In the UNFCCC negotiations the priority must
be to establish an effective and credible adaptation regime that can
compliment and not detract from the slow and difficult processes of
More rapid
progress in the negotiations on adaptation is needed now, but
innovations are likely to prove difficult to achieve without more
focused policy- relevant research. For this, some new mechanism is
needed that provides more considered and more substantial output than
that which can be expected from UNFCCC workshops, but which at the same
time is more rapid than IPCC assessments and not limited by the
constraint of reporting only on existing knowledge. The UNFCCC could
fill this gap by the use of task forces, and specifically commissioned
studies designed to produce creative ideas for consideration on the
policy process.
What is
urgently needed at COP 10 is an agreement to start the process of
negotiating a comprehensive adaptation package which provides for the
adoption of a two pronged approach; a more formal approach under the
Convention (chiefly for Type II adaptation) and a more experimental
approach as part of the mainstream development. But, it is essential
that these two approaches be deployed in harmony with each other and
that cost sharing mechanisms and formulae are worked out which recognize
the essential country-driven requirement and at the same time could be
assessed in terms of value for money.
There is
widespread recognition of the need to move the adaptation agenda forward
more vigorously. But the negotiation of a balanced and integrated
package that can be effective and accountable will take time, along with
some careful policy analysis. Hence, COP 10 is the appropriate event, at
an appropriate time, to launch this effort.