IInd International basin Conference


Sustainable Habitat and Livelihoods for the Poor
New Delhi, India
March 16, 17 & 18, 2004


Development Alternatives,  is hosting a three day international conference on Sustainable Habitat and Livelihoods for the Poor in New Delhi, India from March 16-18th, 2004. 

The conference will explore the links between poverty reduction through income generation and upgradation of habitat quality of the poor will be addressed through the following sub themes.

Acceleration of habitat activity through organized livelihood programs

Habitat based livelihood opportunities and their impact

Reconstruction and rehabilitation as accelerators of habitat process

Conference Structure

Day 1 : Learn from experience : Presentation of Best Practice
Day 2 : Exploring latent potential for improving efficiency, effectiveness and relevance: Enabling environments or habitat and livelihoods
Day 3 : Way forward : Policy recommendations and lessons for strategic action

Expected Participation

basin partners International agencies who are active in livelihood creation/ habitat development sector Funding Agency Representatives- GTZ, SDC, DFID, USAID, EU,  Financing Agencies Academic Institutions

  UN Representatives : UNDP, UNCHS Indian decision makers- Ministry of Rural Housing/ Development, HUDCO, BMTPC NGO  and Private sector representatives.


  Registration forms can be downloaded from        www.devalt.org      or      www.gtz.de/basin

(Registration for the conference is open till November 30, 2003)

Registration Fee
    Resident Participants Non-resident Participants
    Indian & South Asian International Indian & South Asian International
  Government & Private Sector Rs. 10,500.00 US $ 450.00 Rs. 5,400.00 US $ 180
  NGOs & Academic Institutions Rs. 7,000.00 US $ 300.00 Rs. 3,600.00 US $ 120

(above charges are for double occupancy, for single occupancy add an additional charge of Rs. 1500 (US $ 35) per day)


To cover various expenses for conference organization, participation, post conference documentation, sponsorships of US$ 20,000 and above are solicited. This conference will provide an opportunity to network with international development agencies and formulate habitat and livelihood strategies that respond to critical need of the poor.

 share knowledge

exchange learning

develop strategies for action


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