- Perhaps The
Only Option
Aswini Pai
The major threat that all species
are facing today is habitat loss due to anthropogenic (man inflicted)
pressures. As the wilderness shrinks, many species (plant and animal) are
faced by not just the problem of a loss of numbers but also isolation from
their own populations distributed in other areas subsequently leading to a
loss of genetic variation, an inability to adapt to changing environments and
increased susceptibility to disasters.
Though India’s protected areas amount to only 4.6 percent of its total land,
even these lie in small and isolated pockets. Many of the species which occur
in India are now in fragmented or unique (the one and only) populations, in
dire need of conservation and proper management to ensure their survival. The
species are many -- the asiatic lion, the sangai, the brasingha, the
one-horned rhino, the wild ass, the wild buffalo, the great Indian bustard,
the hangul. The list is ever expanding. It is essential to recognise the
need for efficient management to preserve, if not conserve, them.
Most plant and animal populations consist of several geographically separated
deems (sub populations) between which migrations occur. Species can be of low
densities in areas (e.g. raptors, carnivores) or consist of clumps of
individuals in local populations having a high density (e.g. most ungulates).
The distribution of any species is subject to the presence or absence of
ecological barriers (discontinuity of habitats) and its need for a particular
kind of habitat. Man’s activities and his landuse decisions have had drastic
impacts on the continuity of habitats. This phenomenon better known as
habitat fragmentation has caused the isolation of various deems of plants and
animals form each other. Several animals have migratory patterns that help
maintain a gene flow among deems but as habitat fragmentation and geographical
isolation take place these migrations cease. Urbanisation in India coupled
with agricultural advances have reduced forests to a few patches, effectively
blocking traditional migratory routes of many animals and the distribution of
vegetation types.
Isolation factors need to be better understood. As populations of a species
get isolated from each other we get “localised gene pools”, the implications
of which are a decrease in population size and viability; loss of genetic
variation; inbreeding and speciation (the divergent evolution of members of
the same population into different species). All these effects can be
pinpointed to a cessation of gene flow and the survival of a population is
often dependent on a combination of the above.
Decrease in Population Size and
In a closed population where
immigration is absent) the number of individuals dictates genetic variability
and reflects on long term survival of the population. Small populations face
intrinsic threats like genetic and demographic variation and extrinsic threats
like environmental variation. Small populations can be exterminated by
epidemics and catastrophes as has happened with distemper killing the black
footed ferret and the attack of an epizootic on the Ngorongoro lions. Small
populations are also vulnerable to competition from exotics.
A term that is being used frequently these days is minimum viable population (MVP)
- magic number for a population below which it is doomed to extinction. This
number is abstract and is subject to environmental conditions, species
characterstics and even human demands. Rare species may persist despite
prediction of extinction because they are not governed by dynamics with strong
environmental variance. To account for all the factors affecting the survival
of a population we now have a technique called PVA (Population Viability
Analysis). PVA is used in wildlife management to estimate extinction
vulnerabilities of small populations using computer modelling for an array of
factors and for the selection, implementation and evaluation of management
programmes in wildlife areas.
Usually viable populations are too large to be maintained in the reserves.
PVA has been used in studies of grizzly bear, northern spotted owl, eastern
bandicoot rat and several other endangered species.
Loss of Genetic Variation
When a population is small and
isolated, it’s genetic variability decreases. Genetic variability (a
diversity of genotypes) often ensures that a species can adjust to
environmental change. Species like the cheetah; elephant seal and the bison
which have passed through a stage of low population number or ‘bottle necking’
in the past show low genetic variation. This effect has been studied among
the Isle Royale wolves in Canada which had all originated from a single
breeding pair that had been introduced to the island. Though deleterious
genes may be purged in the process of bottlenecking, in the long run
invariable populations may not be able to respond to environmental change.
Inbreeding can further decrease genetic variation. Computer simulations like
Gene Flow estimate genetic variation for generations of living specimens.
New genetic variations can be generated by mutation. But the probability of
mutation, its selection and fixing in a population takes a considerable amount
of time.
is a phenomenon which can be thought of only in the evolutionary time scale.
As each deme is separated, divergent processes take place. A good example is
that of the asiatic, allopatric wild asses. All the species are adapted to an
arid environment. Chromosomal divergence occurred in the various populations
more than 500,000 years ago as a result of geographic isolation.
Another example of speciation that may be taking place is the Barasingha which
has been differentiated into two sub-species due to geographic isolation - the
soft ground Barasingha in north India and the hard ground Barasingha in
central India.
When closely related individuals
sharing common ancestors mate, the phenomenon is known as inbreeding. The
most notorious effect of inbreeding is increase in the numbers of homozygous
lethal genes resulting in “defective animals”. Very rarely does inbreeding
occur in the natural system, especially in animals. Inbreeding is more common
in plants - tomato, oats, wheat, peas, beans, barley are all examples of self
fertilising plants. Studies on zoo animals have shown that inbreeding can
result in juvenile mortality, loss of fertility, spermatozoal abnormalities,
cannibalism in carnivores and an increased susceptibility to infections.
Management Strategies
The management can contemplate two
options for an endangered species - either in situ or ex situ conservation.
In situ
conservation involves preserving a
population in its natural habitat and is the best conservation measure. In
situ conservation needs a protected area, a knowledge of the number of
individuals in the population to be protected for long term survival and some
measure of the habitat quality. It is best to have reserves situated in
places with a very high level of endemism. Several small sites rather than
one large area must be considered so that unique populations can be split up
into smaller units to avoid catastrophes. The need for migratory corridors
between populations is essential, especially in the case of territorial and
far dispersed animals with low densities (e.g. tiger, musk deer) both to avoid
inbreeding and to have viable populations. With migration loss of local
populations can be counterbalanced with immigrants. We must ensure that
dynamics of succession do not destroy existing essential habitat. For
example, in Dudwa and can reduce Kanha National Parks woodland encroachment is
controlled by sporadic fires. Prevention of disturbance is necessary.
Ex situ
conservation can be done either by captive breeding or biotechnological
means. Captive breeding preserves the whole animal while biotechnology
focuses on preserving the germ plasm present in a few of the body parts, using
it to propagate progeny.
Captive breeding
preserves species in plantations, botanical gardens, zoos, aquaria or
ranches. Captive populations are often subjected to intensive inbreeding
because the founder population consist of a few individuals (scarcely enough
to represent genetic variation) and wrong management. Unnecessary, short
generation intervals are kept and only a small fraction of the population
reproduces since zoos prefer to exhibit a family and its offsprings.
Preventing inbreeding an maintaining genetic variation can be done with the
exchange of animals or genetic material (semen) between various lineages in
zoos, by careful back- crossing with the founders and introducing more members
from the wild. Mixing of strains is also common in zoos. An example is
captive populations of the asiatic lion being mixed with the African lion in
zoos. Adaptation to captivity can reduce an animal’s chance to survival in
the wild. Zoos often lack space and are unable to provide proper food. Over
crowding and unhygienic conditions lead to a susceptibility to diseases.
Captive breeding programmes were initiated in the early 1960’s. Captive
breeding supplements in situ conservation. Examples are the reintroduction of
the Californian condor - the last three individuals in the wild were captured,
captively bred to 40 individuals and released into the wild; whooping cranes
were bred successfully in captivity and reintroduced; zoo stock was used for
the successful reintroduction of the arabian oryx in Oman; in the USA depleted
and outbred red wolf populations were replenished by a captive breeding
programme which bred pure line red wolves and later introduced them to a
protected habitat. More populations being considered for reintroduction from
the zoo population are european bison, blackfooter ferrets, hawaian goose,
kemps ridley turtle, sangai and the asiatic lion.
Biotechnological conservation is a relatively new field. Though gene banks
for the preservation of economically important species were common, wild
species are being preserved by these methods only recently. Technologies like
cryopreservation of germ plasm can conserve the genetic resource. Genetic
vigour in both captive and wild fragmented populations can be enhanced by
reproductive biotechnology. The techniques used are in vitro fertilisation (IVF),
embryo transfer (ET) and artificial insemination (AI). Artificial propagation
has been tried out in elds deer, blackfooted ferret, tiger, Indian desert cat,
leopard cat and cheetah. Though the outlook of preservation of the germ plasm
seems preposterous, it may be the only opinion left if we wish to conserve the
genome (genetic code unique to a species) for posterity.
Indian efforts are far less impressive compared to other countries in the
field of the conservation of wildlife. With the high level of endemic plant
species in the Indian subcontinent more effort must be made to develop
botanical sanctuaires. More corridors must be provided to link protected
areas. These corridors may or may not be semi protected, allowing some amount
of regulated human activity, these will form pathways of migration and
dispersal thus removing limitations on the gene pool. Unique populations like
Gir’s asiatic lion may be abundant in their number and man-animals conflicts
have increased. Translocation of a few lions to another suitable habitat
would help reduce local pressure and build up another contingency population.
The sangai deer in Manipur has a restricted habitat and a very much reduced
population size. Introduction of sangai form captively bred population into
the wild after some genetic manipulation would also create an alternate
Whatever the method of conservation, in situ or ex situ, what is important is
the survival of the species. Ex sit conservation must complement in situ
conservation. Merely declaring a protected area is not enough. When a
population ebbs what would be most important would be the building of the
numbers rather than bothering about the genetic consequences. Solutions to
genetic drift, inbreeding and founder effect follow only if the population has
a health number (viable) of individuals. Theoretical models must incorporate
practical parameters and thus be applicable to real life populations without
much room for errors.
The application of biotechnology must be weighed further and used judiciously
since a small population does not leave much to be experimented with. Before
considering the bleak prospects of test tube wildlife let us do the best we
can to protect the population within their habitats.
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