Ice-Cream Vending helps Generate Livelihoods

Till about four months ago, Roop Singh Yadav, a school drop-out (8th class pass) from village Badagaon in Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh was unemployed. However today, Roop Singh has a dignified job working as an ice-cream vendor in New Delhi earning Rs. 7000 per month.

This opportunity came knocking at his door when TARA Livelihood Academy (a Development Alternatives Group’s special purpose vehicle for training and capacity building) in partnership with Kwality Wall’s (Hindustan Unilever Limited) started an initiative to train school drop outs and unemployed youth as ice-cream vendors.

On January 25, 2014, Roop Singh was sitting on a pavement outside his house playing cards with his friends when TARA Livelihood Academy’s field coordinator walked up to him and shared the idea of a dignified income generation opportunity in New Delhi. This is when Roop Singh realised that it was time to do something constructive with his life. Two days later, he joined the 5-days residential training programme at TARAgram Orchha in Madhya Pradesh by paying a registration fee of Rs. 500.

The training programme comprised of different modules – 2 days sales and retail module, 1 day life skills module, 1 day enterprise development and 1 day ice-cream vending. For this training, Kwality Wall’s trikes were moved to Orchha and one trainer was provided from Kwality Wall’s. For the ice-cream vending module, trainees were shown videos of existing vendors selling ice-creams. The sales and retail module gave a general understanding to the trainees about the steps in selling; salesperson’s duties, roles, responsibilities; customer management; selling skills; visual merchandising etc. The life skills (soft skills) module focussed on general grooming and hygiene; communication skills (including listening skills, interpersonal skills, body language); managing complaints, feedback etc. The enterprise development module was an integral component of the training as it helped create a feeling of ownership and responsibility among the trainees.

The salary structure at Kwality Wall’s is based on incentives. For every ice-cream sold, the vendor earns 18% of the cost. For selling ice-creams worth Rs. 40,000 and above per month, additional incentives are given by Kwality Wall’s. Thus, if the vendors have entrepreneurial skills alongside selling skills, they can earn a lot more.

There were 14 other youth like Roop Singh from different villages who attended the above training programme. Currently, Roop Singh is earning the highest amount amongst his batchmates. Having become financially independent, he now dreams of getting married and starting a family.   q

Sunanda Jain


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