where agriculture is a major source of livelihood. These lands account
for more that 70 percent of the country’s cultivated area, but the area
in general contributes only 42 percent to the food stocks (FAO). In
fact, the conditions of India’s dry lands are fast deteriorating, being
considered unproductive and drought prone. This has led to the
marginalisation of such areas, with a major absence of government
policies and programmes which could address the need of such regions.
The Bundelkhand region in India is one such region, where farmer
suicides are a regular occurrence during harvest seasons, and where
either appropriate polices are mismanaged or nonexistent altogether.
The Bundelkhand region
straddling Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh has historically been a
region rich in minerals and forests. It is a region characterised by the
semi-arid type of dry lands. The UN report says that semi-arid areas are
worse off in terms of human well-being as a result of a high degree of
sensitivity and pressure which also generate the highest degree of land
degradation. Moreover, indiscriminate deforestation and unsustainable
agricultural and mining practices have resulted in conditions of extreme
land degradation and poverty. This is further exacerbated by the
complete lack of any government schemes and programmes in the region
which address local issues. The social scenario of extreme casteism and
classism propagating the control of all basic resources in hands of the
upper castes add to the ensuing poor environmental conditions of region.
Problems of poverty in the
region have often been attributed to the dwindling rainfall and while
this does add to the stress on the natural resource base, the
environmental problem in the region has a much more complex relationship
with climatic conditions, variability and population. The J S Samra
committee report on draught mitigation strategy for Bundelkhand said
that the region historically had a drought every 16 years in the 18th
and 19th centuries which increased by three times during 1968 - 1992.
This indicates clearly towards the unsustainable practices adopted by
the people in the region forming a vicious circle which is becoming
increasingly harder to penetrate.
Agriculture is the mainstay for
livelihood in Bundelkhand, with the traditional crops being millets,
pulses, mustard and linseed. Growing of these crops is deep rooted in
indigenous knowledge and science. Such crops have long roots making them
more compatible with the local climatic conditions. However, the
promotion of water intensive cash crops such as wheat has not only
reduced the growth of pulses for which the region was characteristically
known for, but has also led to overuse of ground water for irrigation in
an area of dwindling rainfall (EPW, 2010). Crop productivity here is the
lowest in India due to the frequent droughts. The continuous failure of
rainfall means more and more farmers pushed into destitution preventing
them from switching to more efficient farming methods. But a decreased
level of rainfall isn’t the only factor affecting the groundwater table
in the region.
Mining has existed for long in
the region due to the richness of the area in minerals. This industry
and its flawed practices have only caused havoc rather than opportunity
for the locals. For instance in the case of sand mining (which is mostly
illegal) the livelihoods of the fishermen have been ruined, along with
affecting the course and water levels of the river thus adversely
affecting the ground water recharge systems (EPW, 2010).
Unsustainable practices adopted
by the government since the colonial rule and after have led to large
scale deforestation due to the increased need of the people for
cultivable land and forest resources. This troubles the lives of the
poor further. For instance, the poor women have even decreased access to
fuel wood (EPW, 2010). The use of fuel wood however, is in itself an
unsustainable practice which adversely contributes to the variations in
the climatic conditions and the health of the women. Yet due to lack of
alternatives which can not only aid in curbing adverse effects to the
environment, but also reduce the drudgery of the people especially
women, the population continues to rely on such practices. In fact the
UNSO has indicated that there is a link between increasing levels of
poverty and environmental degradation.
The dire need here is for a
participatory gender inclusive approach which uses indigenous knowledge
and techniques to curb environmental problems and decrease the over
dependence on external uncontrollable sources to improve conditions.
However, these practices need the attention of government polices and
programmes which as mentioned have mostly failed in the region.
Use of traditional knowledge and participatory
Endemic levels of poverty and
illiteracy leads local rural communities to undertake processes that
cause large scale hazards to the environment in terms of sustainability
and biodiversity. However, there are a number of recorded adaptive
measures available for dry land ecosystems. These approaches making use
of the integration of land and water management can aid in protecting
and re-establishing the capacity of the dry land ecosystems to provide
key benefits and services. In this respect, communities – and their
knowledge of the ecosystems around them – can play a central role in the
adoption and success of effective land and water management policies.
This, however, needs support in terms of institutional and technological
capacities, access to markets, and financial capital (FAO).
Research shows that engagement
with these communities to create awareness of local alternatives to
their current practices can lead to sustainable solutions. These
solutions tend to be durable, as they make use of local knowledge
creating benefits at multiple levels. They are easily accepted by the
communities, create spaces for women to contribute, decrease the
dependence on external forces as well as protect and conserve the
An example of one approach is
the People, land management and environment change (PLEC) used in
Tanzania. It has aimed to develop participatory and sustainable models
for biodiversity management based on farmers’ technologies and knowledge
within agricultural systems at the community and small area levels.
First, expert farmers were identified and through PRA techniques links
were formed with other farmers. The focus has been on identifying ways
in which farmers have adapted their practices to and have made use of
the environment in which they farm, while at the same time conserving or
enhancing agro diversity, especially biodiversity. It was found, for
instance that the farmers grow those plants which matched the stresses
of the environment such as sweet potatoes which took care of food
security in times of drought (Kalihura et al, n.d). However, it should
be noted that these practices are beneficial if the farmers have secure
land tenure. In cases where land tenure is insecure, farmers do not take
as much care. In Bundelkhand, majority of the farmers are agricultural
labourers or small scale farmers with rent based land tenures. For women
the situation further worsens. Women have to be taken into consideration
here due to the increasing levels of migration of men. The need then
firstly is for adequate policy measures which secure land tenure.
By incorporating a gender
perspective in policies and programmes, innovative ways of combating dry
land degradation can be found, although this is through a better
understanding of the roles of men and women and their respective needs (FAO,
A study done in Botswana’s
Khawa region shows that the differences in the traditional knowledge
held by women and men affect their access to natural resources. Women
are more knowledgeable about plant resources key to subsistence
livelihoods, whereas men have greater knowledge about wildlife and
cattle which have made it into the mainstream economic activities and
are thus supported by strong national policies and economic incentives.
The women’s knowledge and their access to resources that are fundamental
for their livelihoods are communally owned and subject to open access,
while the men’s livelihood resources and the knowledge they possess is
subject to their exclusive ownership of cattle and membership of a local
wildlife trust (Tlhalwera, 2006). This traditional thought and social
process can be utilized in ways that can be collaborative for creating
livelihoods for the communities, as well as for conserving the
biodiversity. For instance, research in this region revealed that
traditions prohibit the cutting of thatch grass during harvest. This
practice promotes re-growth and prevents the build up of sand in drier
regions (Velempini 2006). In this instance the role of women with their
knowledge of plant resources can and should be explored to protect the
environment and create livelihoods for them.
The differences in the roles of
men and women, and the functionality of traditional knowledge can be
further explained by a case of a participatory gender inclusive approach
in Tamil Nadu, India which is recorded by FAO (2003). In Tamil Nadu
research of post harvest practices indicated that these are largely the
responsibility of the women. The government in the area initially
introduced modern post harvest technologies but the women continued to
use traditional practices. According to the rural women, traditional
practices are passed on from generations, and they are economically
viable and user friendly. The research revealed 19 indigenous post
harvest techniques that were made by local artisans, using low cost
locally available resources which were easy to repair and maintain.
These traditional practices then became the starting point for designing
post harvest operations showing how the local men and women are
innovators of agriculture technologies, indicating towards the supreme
need for consulting and testing new technologies with the ultimate local

The need
Dry lands are an essential part
of our world, where their ecosystems play a major role in global
biophysical processes. They also provide a significant amount of the
world’s grain and livestock (FAO, 2003), and their degradation can
adversely affect already deteriorating global climatic conditions. In
fact, soil degradation now characteristic of most dry lands risks the
income generating capacities of the local people. Thus, the sustainable
development of dry lands is essential for the conservation of biomass
and biodiversity, and for enduring food security (UNEP, 2000).
Prevention through
community-based efforts is a much more effective way to cope with the
dry land challenges because any subsequent attempts to rehabilitate
desertified areas are costly and tend to deliver limited results (FAO,
2003). Local communities, actually, have a vested interest in protecting
the land which gives them food, once they are aware of the dangers to
In the case of the
deteriorating landscape in Bundelkhand and situations of rampant
poverty, the use of traditional practices combined with participatory
processes including both genders can achieve the preservation of the
land while creating livelihoods for the people. The inclusion of women
in such processes is indispensible as the women are the carriers of
traditional knowledge. Women can effectively complement the roles of men
with this knowledge and can generate additional income for the families
while doing so. However, gender discrimination in access to resources is
pervasive usually due to cultural and political impediments. For
eradicating this, the need is for effective polices and programmes along
with a strong political will at the implementation level. As the FAO
says, the sustainable development of dry
lands must take place at the local level with the full and equal
participation of women and men in decision making processes and project
planning and implementation.
FAO (2003) Gender and
Sustainable Development in Drylands: an analysis of field experiences.
Kalihura, F.B.S, Stocking, M.A
and Murnaghan, N. (N.D) Agro-diversity and a means sustaining small
scale farming systems in Tanzania
Perspectives (2010) Drought by
Design: The Man-made Calamity in Bundelkhand.
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) Vol XLV, 5
The United Nations world water
assessment Programme (2009) Seeing Traditional Technologies in a new
light: Using traditional approaches for Water Management in Dry Lands.
Available at: http://unesdoc.unesco .org/images/0018/001817/181799e.pdf
Tlhalerwa, N. 2006. IUCN
drylands Project, Botswana: Drylands Ecosystem Goods and Services: A
Case study on Economic Valuation of Environmental Goods and Services,
Gender and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge System (ITK). Unpublished.
IUCN. Gaborone.
UNEP (2000)
Global Environmental Outlook 2000
Velempini, K. 2006. The role of
indigenous technical knowledge (ITK) and community
based management in dryland
ecosystem of Kgalagadi South, Botswana.
Unpublished dissertation for
Master of Science Degree, University of Botswana
2 CGAIR: Dry lands in East and South Asia