(CLAP) for Environment Protection and Carbon Neutrality in the state of
Himachal Pradesh was launched with the vision to develop Himachal
Pradesh as the first climate-resilient state. The initiative is to
mobilise the community responsibility for environmental assessment,
environment protection and carbon neutrality. CLAP is an initiative of
the Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Government of
Himachal Pradesh in association with Development Alternatives. It is a
unique programme that enables grassroots civil society to respond to
limate change through community led processes.
The programme approach being
followed is that of 4 As – Assessment, Awareness, Advocacy and Action –
where the communities themselves assess their environment quality. The
findings are disseminated in an endeavour to promote awareness on the
environment and its impacts on the lives of the communities. Advocacy
efforts are taken up both horizontally to the community to adopt good
practices and vertically to the administration and government to
facilitate change by influencing policy, thereby together leading up to
action across different levels through convergence of efforts.
The CLAP programme is being
implemented across all the 12 districts and 77 developmental blocks of
Himachal Pradesh, covering more than 1000 panchayats. Programme
activities at the local level are spearheaded by a core network of more
than 60 local NGOs that, in turn, closely engage with a larger secondary
network of mahila mandals, youth groups and communities in each
of the 1000 panchayats. This network engages with the parallel network
of panchayats and district administrations in each of the districts for
advocacy and action.
The NGO network has been
trained on assessing the state of the environment at the local level and
engaging with the community, panchayat and local administration for
undertaking awareness and advocacy for catalysing the response action.
While the core NGO network is already actively involved in programme
processes, the secondary network of mahila mandals and youth
groups are being brought into the fold gradually as implementation is
taken up in new panchayats. The formation of multi-stakeholder networks
at the grassroots level provides the opportunity for different
communities to learn from each other and the sharing of experiences to
strengthen their adaptive potential.
Under the programme, NGOs
facilitate the communities to assess and track their carbon footprint
through participatory stakeholder-based techniques. The assessment makes
use of tools such as FGDs and PRAs to garner primary information from
the communities about the practices being adopted locally with respect
to a variety of themes such as agriculture, energy consumption, waste
management, etc. Also being considered under the assessment are the
identified sectors that are largely impacted by practices adopted and
choices made by the communities so as to help them prioritise the
actions to reduce their sector-wise carbon footprint. Adoption of
participatory processes for assessment promotes active dialogue on
climate change and environment-related issues, enabling an environment
conducive to making informed choices and decisions.
The primary data is analysed in
conjunction with the available secondary data. The communities are also
directly engaged in assessing their air and water quality through
empirical tests using simple environment monitoring kits such as Jal-TARA
and Pawan-TARA. Based on the assessment findings, eco-cards are
generated that document the baseline carbon-footprint of the community,
environment quality in the region and the climate friendliness and
adaptive potential of practices adopted by the community. The eco-cards
serve the purpose of report cards and have been designed as a simple
communication tool to convey to a grassroots audience the concept of
carbon footprint, its links to the environment and how our actions
impact it directly as well as indirectly. Besides scientific
environmental tracking, the eco-cards serve the dual purpose of
sensitisation of community and as an advocacy tool to engage with the
local government to seek support for adaptation and mitigation action.
The community is thus engaged in a constant quest for improvement in its
environmental performance measured against its own baseline conditions
to catalyse further action and scale up.
Local communities, being
co-opted in the process of assessment, are being able to identify with
the assessment results and, therefore, are more proactive in initiating
ameliorative action at the local level. The scientific basis of the
assessment, based as it is on rigorous analysis, empirical tests and
judicious use of secondary and primary data, endows credibility to the
assessment findings so that it can be used to provide policy guidelines
and strategies for resource allocation and, thus, assist in logical and
information based decision-making on state environmental action
The initiative, in its design
and approach, consciously follows the tenet of dove-tailing with the
existing institutionalised processes of local development planning for
environmental mainstreaming. Advocacy is thus undertaken in conjunction
with the Gram Sabha meetings so as to effectively engage with the
panchayats. The assessment findings are shared with the community and
the panchayat at this forum, followed by discussion and deliberations
ultimately leading to the passing of resolutions with regard to the
uptake of more environment friendly practices within the panchayat.
Also, further advocacy efforts are taken up with higher levels of
governance and administration to facilitate the introduction and
widespread adoption of more sustainable practices. Messages promoting
the adoption of good practices are also put up at prominent locations in
the panchayat in an effort to influence adoption.
While communities are empowered
to take ameliorative action at the local level in order to equitably
distribute the onus of efforts and investment for improvement in
environmental conditions and achieve impact at scale, suitable
mechanisms have been instituted to involve the local administrative and
governance institutions in formulating and supporting the response to
the assessment findings. Committees at the district and state level have
been set up whose role is to bring together the different stakeholders
and administrative wings for a concerted effort towards improvement in
the environment conditions and sustainability quotient at the local
level by integrating these efforts with the existing development and
governance machinery in the state. The central idea is to stimulate a
milieu of environmental mainstreaming where the multitude of government
schemes and programmes for development initiatives are implemented in a
manner where environmental concerns are given due importance. Increasing
the adaptive potential of local communities in the face of climate
change is one of the key guiding principles.
The bottom-up approach of
empowering communities to steer the planning process at the local level
for integrating climate-conscious decision making into development
processes has been designed to promote ownership and effectiveness of
action initiatives. Building on the knowledge base and experiences
residing with communities while complementing the action-planning with
scientific know-how is targeted at impact and sustainability of efforts.
The conscious co-opting and involvement of the stakeholders at every
level is crucial for the sustainability of the intervention.
The CLAP for Himachal programme
has, thus, initiated a unique framework for addressing the burning
global issue of climate change and the plunder of natural resources by
promoting grassroots action that is spearheaded by those who ultimately
bear the brunt of climate change impacts – communities whose lives and
livelihoods are closely intertwined with the natural resource base and
the seasonal variations. The approach not only empowers the communities
through awareness and knowledge to help them make informed choices, but
also provides them with an avenue to influence local developmental
planning and policy through advocacy that is based on robust scientific
assessment and analysis. The ultimate success of this unique endeavour
will, however, lie in its ability to spark off a people’s movement for
environment that might be our only hope to paint over the doomsday
scenarios of climate change in hues of hope. q