Weather - The City And The Citizens

Climate change has become a matter of concern the world over. Since its inception in 1984, the Gujarat Nature Conservation Society (GNCS) has been continuously observing the change patterns related to bio diversity, wetlands, pollution, weather etc. in the towns and villages of Gujarat. Few years of observation motivated GNCS to conduct a detailed micro level study regarding the changes in weather patterns around the city of Vadodara. An automatic weather station was installed for this purpose.

The study indicated that Sindhrot (a village bunched with five small suburb villages), just 5 klm away from the city of Vadodara has been continuously getting warmer compared to the city in the peak summer over the last few years. The village has also been collecting less monsoon water compared to the city. Despite River Mahi passing through the village, there is no potable water. Water borne diseases are common. Soil erosion has been rampant adversely affecting agrarian livelihoods. Many species of plants such as Malabar Glory Lily (Gloriosa Superba) and Guggal (Commiphora Wightii) which were traditionally the main cultivation plants in the village have almost disappeared. Some species of reptiles and mammals have also shifted from the area.

The study revealed that the industrial and vehicular pollution due to urbanisation in the city of Vadodara was heating up the surrounding villages and causing all the associated changes. Alarmed with these findings, GNCS started working to revive the biodiversity and environment of Sindhrot along with the other 5 sub villages in its periphery through the following activities:

Mass plantation  of local forestry species with the help of the Forest Department and the villagers.

Development of the villages through the formation of ‘Bal-Sena’ (children’s army) and ‘Sakhi Mandals’ (women’s groups).

Clean drinking water needs of the villages were met by setting up of Community R. O. Plants.

Motivated by the results in Sindhrot, GNCS initiated ‘Climates’ – a series of weather related studies in which different groups of students were trained for two years to study and observe the weather of different areas in and around the city of Vadodara. The young weathermen mapped the city weather for three years with their small observatories.

To have informed discussion, compliance and action; there is need to inform citizens about the weather they are experiencing and the changes in the weather patterns that are taking place. Only if people are made aware of the implications of changes in their local weather patterns, would they understand larger issues relating to climate change and act accordingly. q

Mukesh Pathak
CEO – Gujarat Nature Conservation Society


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