Biodiversity Loss Matters
I ndia occupies
only 2.3% of the world’s land mass but is home to 6-12% of the world’s
biodiversity. Many of these species are endemic to India. All this
diversity of life in India is perilously dependent on either the
monsoons or the rivers that drain down from the Himalayan glaciers.
However, both the monsoons and the Himalayan glaciers are severely
threatened by the changing climatic patterns that are causing adverse
impacts on the existing biodiversity. Apart from climatic factors, the
rate of population expansion and illegal encroachment on forest lands
contributes to the loss of over 70% of primary vegetation in India,
especially in the Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas. At this pace,
it will not be long before much of these regions are converted into
wastelands if the criticality of loss of biodiversity is not
communicated to all the relevant stakeholders and steps are not taken to
stop this loss.
Why Biodiversity Loss Should Worry Us?
India’s biodiversity holds a very unique position in
the world in many ways. It is intricately linked to all the three
pillars of sustainability - social, economic and environmental. The
following examples will help us understand the socio-cultural and
economic practices of the land and their relation with biodiversity:
• There are over 800
crop species with 320 of their wild relatives and 3000 medicinal
plants in India.
• According to a 2010
survey by the National Geographic, 47% of Indians consume locally
grown food, as opposed to 5-6% in the developed nations.
• A large percentage of
the Indian population also depends on locally found flora and fauna
for their economic sustenance.
Thus, loss of biodiversity will not only trouble
existing natural connections but also impact the sources of livelihoods
of millions of Indians.