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Development Alternaitives @COP28

Development Alternatives along with partner organisations from India and across the globe, will be hosting and participating in a series of side events and exhibits at the 28th Session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP28), to be held from 30 November 2023 to 12 December 2023 in UAE, at Expo City, Dubai. The objective of DA@COP is to create enough synergies that will nudge the sustainability conversation and help in creating a pathway for the Net Zero goal.
With this objective we have partnered with likeminded organisations to participate in multiple events and also have an exhibit stall that showcases our alternative technologies that help the decarbonisation mandate. It will also be streamed globally to reach a wider audience

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Our discussion will revolve around the opportunities associated with translating national climate goals to the sub-national level. We aim to showcase best practices that can serve as a guide for other developing nations

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The session will delve into the transformative potential of Green and Inclusive Economy along with already proven and tested pathways and programmes in India as led by a few actors like Development Alternatives, BAIF and TERRE Policy Centre. It will also bring valuable insights and experiences of funding agencies like HSBC, Global Carbon Council and Sequoia Climate Fund, who are financing such shifts in many countries.

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In the context of a swiftly evolving climate, the need for unified action has become increasingly evident. This session endeavors to delve into the transformative potential of Locally Determined Choices (LDCs) and their pivotal role in empowering communities for a sustainable future. Notably, past experiences indicate that Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) have predominantly been mitigative on a large scale, often adopting a top-down approach that overlooks the valuable insights and experiences of local communities.

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To facilitate the sharing of best practices in leveraging DRE for sustainable and positive impact on women and discuss roadmaps and action plans that can enhance adoption of DRE-based livelihood interventions for gender empowerment.

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New green trade laws and partnerships may be the key to reshaping the global economy and reaching the 1.5 degree Celsius goal. Even so, green trade mechanisms could pose challenges for developing countries, and it is unclear how far labor protections would extend to working people around the world.

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This session aims to explore how financial institutions can make climate adaptation financing work for women farmers and other female-led businesses. It will also explore the unrealized potential to channel Donor/DFI/impact-investor funding to the frontier between formal and informal entrepreneur finance.

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This session focuses on the transformative potential of collaboration and how engagement across the generations can support city leadership in creating transformative and visionary policy.


The fossil fuel-dependent economic growth is damaging the environment. Inclusive transitioning to RE via inter-generational collaboration is key. Integrating public health into plans ensures positive outcomes for just transition and promoting green jobs.


Lifecycle assessment is becoming an integral part in green decision-making. Not only for investments in e.g., eco-design but also sustainable procurement& finance, and broader policy frameworks (market access). We focus on why & how LCA data-driven sustainability should facilitate innovation policy.

Team @COP28

Shrashtant Patara

Chief Executive Officer, Development Alternatives & Executive Vice President, Development Alternatives Group

Dr. Soumen Maity

Chief Technical Officer, TARA & Vice President, Development Alternatives Group

Kanika Verma

Lead–Sustainable Enterprises and Associate Vice President, Development Alternatives Group

Shaila Sam

Head of Impact and Communication & Associate Vice President, Development Alternatives Group

Dr. Debojyoti Basuroy

Program Officer (Geology & Materials), Development Alternatives Group

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